Via Monastero snc - 91017 - Pantelleria (TP)
Tel: (+39) 0923 408120 - (+39) 334 2660154 | Mob: (+39) 334 2660154 | Email:





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  Wellness stay in Pantelleria
Wellness stay in Pantelleria
Wellness stay in Pantelleria
Wellness stay in Pantelleria
Wellness stay in Pantelleria
Wellness stay in Pantelleria

Wellness stay in Pantelleria

Welcome to a world of relaxation, fitness and wellness on the enchanting island of Pantelleria. Sikelia offers unique experiences to rediscover the pleasure of connecting with nature and regenerating mind and body.

Emotional Paths in Nature

Explore the island through emotional trails, immersing yourself in the wild beauty of Pantelleria. Trekking, e-biking and walking will take you to discover breathtaking views and evocative places.

Regenerating Fitness Activities

Regenerate yourself with outdoor fitness activities surrounded by unspoiled nature. Sikelia offers yoga and fitness sessions and customized workouts to meet your needs.

Relaxing Pampering under the Stars

Indulge in the magic of relaxing treatments outdoors under the starry Pantelleria sky. Rejuvenating massages and spa treatments will give you moments of pure pleasure.

Relaxing Stay in Pantelleria

Exclusive Spa and Mud of Venus

Our spa offers targeted treatments for your well-being. Discover the magic of massages under the palm trees and let the scent of jasmine envelop you. Enjoy the beneficial properties of mud baths on the shores of Lake Venus.

Sikelia invites you to experience a wellness stay in Pantelleria. Discover our Spa Brochure and book your unique experience.

May 2025

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